我们的教育观 | ConCEPT



Education has two traits regardless of at home or abroad. It is PERSONAL. That is why we say that different tutors make different people, and that teachers should be attentive to their words and deeds. But, it is also SOCIALIZED. Different cultural and social backgrounds bear a diverse spectrum of educational ideologies and genres. Parents would spare no effort to pick the best school for their children despite its location. Yet, no matter what are the right ways to teach, we should at least be concerned with 1) the process of education, whether the children are motivated to study, and 2) the result of education, whether the children can skillfully apply their knowledge. 


Our teaching and advisory mainly solve the following two problems: 1) For parents, especially the mothers, how to coordinate their new life and professions during the critical periods of children's growth. 2) How to efficiently mobilize internal resources and potentials within the family. 


That being said, we treat the whole family as the subject and goal of education. 


Secondly, we wish to design a brand new solution that teaches through trust and cooperation. The solution  uses quality education resources to its fullest potential, and, at the same time, optimizes parents' and children's ability to adopt new information and accommodate to societal uncertainties. It can be internalized to the collective knowledge and skill of children and households. 


In short, we encourage family to solve educational problems collectively. 


Finally, while attentive to words and deeds, even though we talk a lot about the importance of household disciplines, strangely, our children are usually more motivated when learning with other children, parents, and teachers.  In this sense, education is a dialogue and an interaction. We invite  parents to engage with children's learning process. Not to ask them to do children's homework, but, to help the children prepare for all kinds of extracurricular activities. We care about the significance of education for different parents, families, and household environments and finding a family-friendly educational device that is outside of traditional classrooms through the lens of an outsider. Further to say, we help each family to find their own pattern to engage in learning. This is the concept of π, which draws the circle of education that best fits the need of individual child and family. 



Our Philosophy is called CHINA PI in the following ways: 

  1.  我们把上海的一栋院落式别墅改装成一个家庭式教育基地:里面包含室外垂直绿化区、建构探索和体能锻炼区、一楼教学互动区、一楼饮食休憩区、二楼家长沙龙互动区、三楼“魁星影像体验舱”和休息区。         We had renovated a villa in Shanghai to a family-friendly teaching base. It includes a green area, a gymnasium, (first floor) a teaching area, (first floor) a food and rest area, (second floor) a parent salon, (third floor) a private theater, and a rest area. 
  2. 我们的中国学派,主要围绕CHINA缩略语为代表的方法论集合:C代表Cognitive Sciences,我们主要通过吸纳认知科学/教育心理学的前沿知识,将其转化为具体的科学操作课程和教育咨询;H代表Humanities,也就是包括中国独特文化遗产在内的人文教育,尤其是音乐、文学、哲学、历史等;I代表Independence孩子的个性与独立性教育环节设计,针对个体差异的教育和家长咨询方案;N代表Numerical Concepts,数学思维和数学美学能力,通过日常器物制作、天文学、植物学等方式进行另一种创造性的数学教育;A代表Art,也就是艺术思维和艺术表达能力培养。                                                                                                                                      CHINA PI is an ideology that unfolds with the acronym CHINA. C stands for Cognitive Sciences. We base our course and advisory on the frontier knowledge of Cognitive Science and Educational Psychology. H stands for Humanities, which symbolizes the liberal education of Chinese culture heritage, subjects including music, literature, philosophy, history, etc. I stands for Independence. We develop solutions and advisories according to children's unique personalities and an aim for an independent teaching program. N stands for Numerical Concepts. We teaches mathematical thinking and mathematical aesthetics  through utensil making, astronomy, and botany. A stands for Art, which is to cultivate artistic thoughts and artistic expressions. 
  3. 为什么叫π ? 数学中,圆周率代表了人类对宇宙和世界的一个基本知识,它派生出了许多重要数学认知,某种程度上地球乃至整个宇宙都是圆形的球体。同时我们知道:面积相同,圆的周长最短;相同周长,圆的面积最大。如上所述,我们的教育理念就是无论家庭出身、文化背景、社会条件如何,都可通过找到的教学方法平均值π ,乘上各自家庭和个体的资源半径平方,像圆一样使用最短的周长,最少的资源获得最大的“知识版图”,可谓“圆融成无限,乾坤日月长”。                                                                                                                            Why is it called π ? π is the basis to understand the universe and the world. From it, we had derived many important mathematical cognition. To a certain extent, the Earth, and even the universe, is a sphere. We know that, among all shapes that have the same area, circle has the shortest perimeter. And among all shapes that have the same perimeter, it has the largest area. As stated, regardless of any familial, cultural, and social background, we wish to find the π of a general teaching method, multiplied by the "R square" of each individual and family resources, and use the smallest "perimeter," the least resources, to acquire the maximum map of knowledge. 
  4. 中国学派的教研团队由自然力研究院发起,包括霍普金斯大学、伦敦政治经济学院、剑桥大学、柏林工业大学、京都大学、东京大学、南京大学、清华大学、南京师范大学、同济大学、复旦大学等名校毕业的学者为教育环节进行设计和教育执行。                                                                                                                                                    Teaching and research of CHINA PI is conducted by Oriental Danology Institute, with a team of scholars from John Hopkins University, London School of Economics and Political Science, Cambridge University, Berlin University of Technology, Kyoto University, University of Tokyo, Nanjing University, Tsinghua University, Nanjing Normal University, Tongji University, Fudan University, etc. 
  5. 为了最大限度确保“中国学派”的现实效果,我们已经与如下场所、机构、项目建立了联系,并设计了相应的配套活动和课程:中国航海博物馆、自然博物馆、静安区图书馆、静安区文化馆、静安区少年儿童图书馆、徐汇区图书馆、嘉定区图书馆、上海群众艺术馆、西班牙塞万提斯图书馆、法语培训中心图书馆、联合国南南合作所、同济大学集韵建筑计划。与此同时,我们还设计和执行尼泊尔巴德岗古城儿童艺术进驻、日本京都古都名物观察体验、云南西双版纳天工开物植物学之旅、内蒙古联合国非物质文化遗产演唱研习营、挪威海洋极地探险知识营、泰国清迈生态知识和民间歌谣体验营等活动,可供中国学派的“大家庭”以家庭为单位的参与。                                                                                                                                                                                                To realize the concept of CHINA PI to its full extent, we have established contacts with the following venues, institutions, and programs, and designed corresponding activities and courses: China Maritime Museum, Shanghai Natural History Museum, Jing’an Library, Jing’an Cultural Center , Jing’an Children’s Library, Xu'hui Library, Jia'ding Library, Shanghai Mass Art Center, Spanish Cervantes Library, Alliance Francaise de Shanghai Library, UN South Capacity Building Center for Creative Talents, Tongji University Ji Yun Architectural Project. In the mean time, we have designed and implemented the stationing of children's art in Bhadgaon, Nepal, tour of ancient villages and antiques in Kyoto, Japan, exploration of the works of nature in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan, singing camp of UN intangible cultural heritage in Inner Mongolia, maritime and polar expedition in Norway, ecological and folklore camp in Chiengmai, Thailand, etc, all sorts of activities in which participants join on a family basis. 

最后,回到π ,英文常写成PI,它成为我们站在家长角度的座右铭——我们不仅传递知识,咬文哺字,我们通过言传身教的父母使命,养育和守护我们孩子下一代的独立性:We Parenting Independence

Finally, back to π, which we write PI in English, it has become a motto for us as parents: not only do we pass on our knowledge, but we also teach by percept and example, cultivating and protecting the independence of the next generation: We Parenting Independence.